Settle in for an adorable new show coming to the Disney Channel! Meet fun-loving pug puppy brothers Bingo and Rolly, whose thrill-seeking appetites take them on adventures in their neighborhood and around the globe. Whether helping their owner, Bob, or assisting a friend in need, the pugs’ motto is that life is more exciting with your best friend by your side. Tune in this Friday for “Puppy Dog Pals.”
Read on for more about Puppy Dog Pals
This is a partnered post, and all opinions are my own.
While in LA for the Cars 3 press event at Sonoma Raceway, we also had the opportunity to screen two episodes of “Puppy Dog Pals”, and interview Sean Coyle (executive producer) and Diane Ikemiyashiro (Disney Junior creative executive) for the new series!
Here’s some insider information about the new Disney Junior show:
Sean mentions they’re aiming for kids between 2 and 5 years of age for this new series. Adding, “kids are a lot smarter than we give them credit for, so we had all that on our minds going forward with this [new] show….trying to tell the best stories possible, create the cutest little characters possible, and really treat these 11-minute shorts as little 11-minute movies.
Diane also mentions, “at the core of this particular show it’s all about the family unit. The two pug puppies – they’re brothers, and they love each other. They are very rambunctious. And they really support each other, and they have different personalities. They have friends all throughout the neighborhood that they meet, and all around the world. So it’s about family bonds, being friends, making friends, being a good brother. So that’s at the core of this particular show.”
When asked about researching new Disney Junior series, Diane shared, “in our Disney Junior department we have what’s called the educational resource group. And they watch every single episode. From the very beginning when something’s pitched to the final, they are weighing in on what the take away is. That guides the storytellers on how to make the episodes really pop for our audience.” Diane also adds, “the department will go into schools all over Southern California. And they give story time to the kids, and then they ask the kids questions. And through comprehension or not, that’s how we gauge whether or not a story is working, especially for the youngest audience members.”
Tune in to Puppy Dog Pals
“Puppy Dog Pals,” debuts Friday, April 14 at 10:30 a.m. ET/PT with two back-to-back episodes on Disney Channel. The premiere episode will also be available that day on the Disney Junior app and Disney Junior YouTube page.
See the show trailer below!
As a boy mom, I can really appreciate the camaraderie between the two pup brothers. It’s important for me to instill those values of friendship, love, and good spirited fun in my own sons, so I’m excited to tune in with my boys for the new series.
Christina Gould says
They look and sound adorable. Thanks for posting!