I was hoping with my husband having the summer off that we would begin a new workout routine together. However, that just didn’t happen. Instead, we chose to do a lot of family activities and used the endless “tomorrow” excuse. Even our family walks subsided because of the Florida heat. Instead, I stuck to my yoga workout, and occasionally took a jog on the treadmill.
My husband returned to work Monday in preparation of the new school year, which also means our oldest son will begin Kindergarten very soon. Now that I will have more time on my hands, I am moving forward with a concrete workout regimen. Naturally, I would need to go shopping for new shoes, right? 🙂 Any excuse I can find….haha!
I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Reebok. I received a Famous Footwear gift card to purchase a pair of Reebok shoes to facilitate my review and to thank me for participating.
I headed to a Famous Footwear store to shop for a new pair of Reebok shoes, however, I was surprised by the small number of athletic shoes my store carried. The Famous Footwear staff was very helpful though and directed me to their site where they had several Reebok women’s shoes available.
I had the option of ordering online or having the store order for me, which included FREE shipping to their store. They were having an amazing sale both in-store and online. And since I am part of their Famous Footwear Rewards Program, which includes free shipping to my home, I elected the online option. I ended up scoring 50% off these FitnisRush Women’s Reebok shoes, plus it was tax-free weekend so I saved even more!
Yes, I love to shop, but I love a good deal even more! Not only did I find a great deal online for my Reebok shoes, but I also found a pair of athletic shoes for my husband in-store, a pair of flats for my LA trip, and a pair of sandals because you can never have enough of those! The best part….I spent $102 on four pairs of shoes!! Famous Footwear is still rocking that amazing sale now online and in-store for back to school so be sure to check them out!
So what did I think of the Reebok FitnisRush women’s shoes? I found them to be lightweight and comfortable. Personally, I needed a bit more cushion for longer workouts and running, however, they are a fantastic everyday shoes and supportive enough for shorter workouts. They are super stylish as well! You can read my review on Famous Footwear too.
If you’re in the market for a new pair of athletic shoes I highly recommend running to your nearest Famous Footwear, or checking them out online. Remember to sign-up for their free Rewards Program and definitely take advantage of this great sale.
How often do you buy athletic shoes? Are you a #ReebokMom like me?
Denise Taylor-Dennis says
I love these shoes they are very cute. I’ve never owned any Reebok shoes (at least as an adult).
Sarah Coffman says
I am a runner, and I am constantly in need of new shoes. These look great!
Taryn Pasco says
I Love Reebok. These show look fashionable & comfy! Love them. Great review, thank you!
ANN*H says
I really like these shoes , they are classy looking and not all sneakery . Four pair of shoes for that price is a great bargain. Thanks for the info and the pictures of these so we can see how nice they are.
Autumn Reo says
How cute! I love these and needed new shoes! I’ll try these babies on!
daisy says
These are super cute! I love the colors and how comfy they look.
Kelly Stilwell says
I shop at Famous Footwear a lot!
annecrane says
I love the pink highlights!
Janet W. says
Those are really cute shoes! I haven’t bought athletic shoes like this in a long time. I usually stick with New Balance because it’s the most supportive for my feet.
Roz K. Walker says
Cute shoes! I love the colors. I just recently purchased some Nike shoes to replace my very old ones. I knew it was time to get rid of them, but they were so comfortable. However, I’m loving my new ones, but those Reeboks do look cute… 🙂
Sharon Ulery Ruggieri says
I’ve always LOVED Reeboks shoes, never heard of these though and since I too, need new work out shoes, I may as well check them out.
Oh,and I’ve been using the “tomorrow” excuse all summer myself. GRR!!!!
Karen Glatt says
Hi! I like Reebok shoes the best because they are so comfortable. I had a pair of white ones that I wore for at least 2 years. Reebok has so many styles to choose from and Famous Footwear has great deals on these shoes. I like the pair you chose.
md kennedy says
Awesome prices! And I LOVE the black/pink pair of Reeboks. I’ll have to have a look online as I don’t know of any retail outlets near my home…
Leigh @oneandoneequalstwinfun.com says
Love how reasonable they were! Glad the staff were helpful – that always makes the experience great 🙂
Tiffany Schmidt says
When did Reebok become so stylish?!! I didn’t know Famous Footwear sold big brands either, awesome. Yay for being a #Reebokmom
Jennifer H says
ladyladuke says
I love all of the pink options. I only wear tennis shoes for running, so I guess these wouldn’t work so well. Great review!
Jennifer H says
Thank you!
Christy Garrett @ Uplifting Families says
I have been looking for a new pair of shoes but haven’t found any yet. It has been over 2.5 years since I have bought a new pair of athletic shoes. It has been a while since I have worn Reebok’s. I usually get a pair of shoes based on the budget that I have to spend and I usually search for deals on the clearance rack first.
Tammy S says
These are such cute shoes! I love how comfortable they look. Plus I can’t believe you got 4 pairs of shoes for only $102. Wow!! I need to check them out. thanks!
Jennifer H says
Yep! I was proud of myself. 🙂
Robin Wilson says
I didn’t even realize that Famous Footwear sold Reebok ~ wake up me! Though I have not been living under a rock, I have not been out shoe shopping in a very long time. I could use some athletic shoes in a bad way. I will keep them in mind.
Jennifer H says
Hi Robin, thanx for your comment. It’s definitely a great time to buy. 🙂