I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for L’il Critters. I received a product sample and promotional item as a thank you for participating.
With our oldest child entering his first year of elementary school it is vitally important that he gets all of his vitamins to fight off any bugs that are going around the school. When he was in daycare it seemed like he got sick every single week because of the germs spread between the other children in his classroom. Now that he is returning to that environment we wanted to set a system in place to help build his immune system.
This is where L’il Critters Gummy Vites comes in. These gummy vitamins are made in the USA and are equipped with Vitamin A, B, C, D, and E. They are also made with natural flavors.
We have tried many different gummy vitamin brands, but there is no contest when it comes to flavor. Gummy Vites hands down tastes like a gummy out of a childs snack pack. They are delicious and I find myself taking them along with the kids because they are so good. They even won the Best Taste Award in 2012 from ChefsBest!
L’il Critters Gummy Vites are not only appealing in flavor, but help fill the gaps in children’s diets. We do our best to make every meal include at minimum a fruit or vegetable, but sometimes kids can be picky about things.
So if you have a child who does not like to take their vitamins I would strongly suggest that you try out Gummy Vites. You will not be disappointed and you probably will like them yourself. Both of our boys love the Gummy Vites!
L’il Critters Gummy Vites are available at retailers nationwide including: Costco, Walmart, Target, and CVS.
mindy cole says
These arereally good my daughter and son both like these ones
Denise Taylor-Dennis says
Next time I run out of vitamins for my son I will have to get some of these, they sound like a good brand.
Brooke Deegan says
My kids love these vitamins. They remind them of fruit snacks.
MichelleKent (@MichelleLKent) says
He is such a cutie pie 😉 our 8 year old loves these vitamins….
Taryn Pasco says
My daughter loves Lil’ Critters vitamins. They are her favorite. She doesn’t go to school yet but when she does start she will definitely be taking a vitamin every morning before hand!
Michelle F. says
My nephew would love those.
Jenn- The Rebel Chick says
My nephews love these.
Sara Phillips says
We’ve tried these and my kids really like them!
Tammy says
My daughter is 17 and still loves these chewy vitamins 🙂 So I buy them for her, she eats a couple more since she’s older but I figure even kids ones are better than her not taking any vitamins at all!
Jennifer H says
Exactly! 🙂
Mary Williams says
I may have to try these. My son has gotten to the point where he doesn’t like the taste of regular vitamins so if he would like the taste of these it would be great! I’m going to check to see if you can request a free sample..that would be great to try them out first!
Tammy S says
I love how easy it is to get my kids to take their vitamins because they love these. It is never a hassle.
Ty @ Mama of 3 Munchkins says
My kids love these.
Shell Feis says
I need to pick these up for my son, he would totally LOVE them!
Kait says
My son love these things — we call them his chewies and he doesn’t even realize what they really are!
Raine says
I have had some really bad gummy vitamins, I will have to try these. Even though my kids are teens-I find its a lot easier to get them to take these than get them to swallow pill form. I have a sensitive stomach so I take children’s vitamins. Thanks for the review-adorable pictures.
Jennifer H says
Thank you for the comment Raine. 🙂
Elizabeth (Rock-A-Bye Parents) says
The person that made vitamins into gummies was a genius! Nick isn’t the best eater and needs to take vitamins every day, but if they weren’t in gummy form I believe it wouldn’t really happen.
Katie says
we’ve never tried this brand before – I’ll have to look into them next time we need some.
Vanessa Coker says
They really do taste good! My son loves them and if he could would sit down and eat like they were a snack LOL of course I don’t let him but he has a hard time understanding that he may only have 2 per day and no more hahaha poor guy.
Jennifer H says
Mine too! lol
Debbie Welchert says
This sounds like a vitamin my grand kids will finally take.
Jennifer H says
I definitely recommend it for the picky kiddos. 🙂
Tiffany Schmidt says
I also think the gummy version of vitamins was great. The kids get a bit of a sweet treat, but it packs the punch of a daily multi vitamin. Both of my kids enjoy gummy vitamins as well. We’re having luck withe the Disney brand, but I will keep these in mind as well!
Elena says
My son would love these
sandyvanhoey says
We have tried these and like them and my grandson takes daily
Janet W. says
Once we get the OK from our pediatrician for vitamins, I will keep these in mind for my grandson!
HilLesha says
My son loves these. 🙂
Kelly Bejelly @ A Girl Worth Saving says
My son loves taking his multivitamin. Seriously he jumps and screams “yeah” every time I take it out. These look fun!
Jennifer H says
lol too cute!
thequirkymomma says
We’ve had the best luck with gummies! I’ve tried other wafer type vitamins and my kids won’t touch them.
Jennifer H says
Yep, no chewables here yet, but the gummies are a hit.
md kennedy says
My rugrats are so picky, but I am sure they would love these yummy gummies! I’ve seen them before but never really thought about vitamins for them – I should try them.
Robin Wilson says
Your boys are adorable! I hadn’t thought about vitamins for kids starting off to school but it makes great sense! It seems like there are worse and worse viruses and flu each and every year.
Jennifer H says
Thank you Robin. 🙂 And yes, stuff gets passed around way too much at school.
Karen Glatt says
Your son is very cute, and these are such good vitamins to give to children because they will take them and they have all the vitamins that they need!
Jennifer H says
Thank you Karen!