This is a partnered post. All opinions are my own.
I love Florida, I really do. There’s so much about my city in particular that’s awesome, however most things tend to require being outdoors. And we all know how Florida weather can get….HOT! We’ve actually broken records this year!
So how does one stay cool outdoors? I first shared this product with all of you last month, and now I’m following up with all the ways we’ve conveniently used the Portacool. First, I’ll give you a quick recap on the Portacool Cyclone 3200. It’s a portable evaporative air cooler on wheels! It’s easy to use; just hook up a hose, or pour tap water in the 16 gallon reservoir, flip a switch and you’re good to go! It’s very, very simple. The 3200 can cool areas up to 700 feet too, making it the perfect solution for backyard bbq’s and more.
5 Ways to use the Portacool
1. Grilling out. We all know our guys work hard when barbecuing, but when you combine a hot grill to already hot temps, your guy needs a shower before he can even sit down to enjoy the food. That’s where the Portacool comes in. Set it up near the grilling station, and your guy can stay comfy and cool.
2. Outdoor dining. When your guy is done being a grill master, turn the Portacool in the direction of the table so everyone can enjoy a cool breeze while dining. It was the talk of the table during our last dinner party.
3. Kids at play. Whether your little ones are helping plant a spring or summer garden, or playing in the backyard, they can quickly get heated and need a break. The Portacool is the perfect solution to keeping kids (and pets) cool while playing outside.
4. In the garage. Whether you’re spring cleaning, hosting a garage sale, or hubby is busy at the garage work bench, the Portacool offers a convenient way to stay cool.
5. Outdoor events. Recently, we brought our Portacool along for my friend, Lee’s, vow renewal. Our evaporative cooler on wheels (see arrow in picture below) offered guests at the ceremony and reception an easy way to stay cool while enjoying their special day. If you’re hosting a bigger bash, set up a few Portacool’s conveniently throughout the party to keep all of your guests comfy.
Beat the heat with a Portacool! Check out the Cyclone 3200 or other portacool options.
Sea World Mommy says
They’re great for businesses, too. Some friends own a marina, and they have some in the outdoor dining area.
I wish I had one so I could follow the “garage” idea! Mine needs cleaning out something fierce, but DANG it’s hot here in Florida!
Jennifer says
Haha! Yes it’s been a blessing this summer.
Scott says
I didn’t realize this was a thing either. I guess there’s not much call for them here in Iowa.
Marysa says
That is a pretty cool product! I’ve never heard of this before but it would be really cool to try! I had no idea something like this existed!
jenny temcio says
How could I have lived in arizona all my life and never heard of these!?? Now I am in Chicago which still get hot and yes, this would make our outside BarBQ times so much more enjoyable. Awesome!
leechrista says
It was sooo nice. We brought ours out yesterday while Tim was doing yard work. It was like 7pm but still blazing. The sun was going down but you’d barely know it. Such a great product to have.