It was 11:30 in the morning, and my neighbors dog had barked for several minutes non-stop. There was something about the way he was barking that caught my attention. It also caught my curiosity that the dog was outside since it normally sat perched in the front window waiting for its owner to return home from work.
I put on my shoes and told L I would be right back. I headed around the side of my home to where our small picket fence meets their 6-foot privacy fence. I stood on the smaller fence to peek over into my neighbor’s yard. I was expecting to see a cat making my neighbors dog go bonkers, but instead I stood face to face with an intruder.
He rounded the corner nearly seconds after I stood up to peek over the fence. He was roughly 6 feet tall, white male, early 20’s, brown hair, fully covered in clothing (I believe a grey jacket), and wearing a burgundy colored scarf around his mouth to hide part of his identity. I appeared to be 7 foot tall to him so I stopped him dead in his tracks. Startled by me being there he took a step back and said, “Geeze lady you scared me.” My instinctual response to him was, “what the hell are you doing?” He then darted around the back of the home where I could no longer see him. He was wearing a blue backpack on his back. He was there to rob. It truly sunk in.
I jumped off the fence and ran as fast as I could back around my garage and into my home. I called 9-1-1. I came right back outside as I spoke with the dispatcher. I wanted to see which direction he was headed. Behind our cul-de-sac is wooded property owned by the county, and the home on the other side of my neighbor’s has been vacant for 3 years and caused trouble for our street. I’ve caught many kids on the property in the past, but this intruder was not someone I recognized. At this point, my neighbors dog was no longer barking, and was back in its normal spot inside their home.
The police took what felt like eternity before arriving. While remaining on the line I called a neighbor on my cell phone to alert her of what had just happened. I was shaking uncontrollably. I needed a hug. She mentioned her baby was sleeping, but said she would be over soon. She crossed the street just as two sheriff cars made their way to my driveway. Guns drawn they entered my neighbors property to look for the intruder. He was gone. It was too late. The sliding glass door of my neighbor’s home was left open so he had made his way inside.
My neighbor arrived home seconds after the police. I repeated my encounter to him and he could tell how shaken up I was. As I stood there between my two neighbors, with L on my hip, we expressed our theory of how the intruder probably took off through the woods. We explained the trouble that foreclosed property caused and how there are two pieces of fence missing from the property that offered an easy way in and out.
The officers canvassed the woods for any sign of him, but did not find him.
Reflecting back, I wish I had my cell phone on me so I could’ve snapped a picture of him. Although I told the officers repeatedly when asked that I believe I would be able to pick him out of a line-up, should they find him. I also think the guy was an amateur because he was startled by ME. Have you ever heard of an intruder saying those words? I’m certainly glad he didn’t have a weapon on him. Otherwise I may have been harmed.
To say I am shaken up is an understatement. I’m a stay at home mom, and that was WAY too close to home for me. We’ve lived here 9 years and have never had something like this happen. It’s frightening. So as I sit here awake at 3am, I wanted to share my story and remind everyone: stay alert and if something doesn’t feel right – follow your instincts. I’m so glad I did.
Ashley Parsons says
HOly COw! So glad you are ok! That must have been SOOO scary!
Jennifer H says
alicia k says
SO scary!! I’ve never experienced this and hope I never have to!
Wanda McHenry says
I used to leave our front door open because I love the sunlight and brightness. All my window blinds are always opened, but one day I heard juggling on the glass door and this man was trying to get it open! Back then we had a mean dog (bless her heart) and I went running to the front door and she was going nuts. He fled on his bicycle. You’re not even safe in your own home. Now, I keep the doors closed and locked until hubby comes home.
Kait says
That shakes me up just reading this! I’m. It sure what if do in a situation like this but go hold on to my babies tighter!
Karen Glatt says
They always say never confront a burglar because they can become violent. I am so glad that nothing happened to you! I wish the police would have caught him. But that is so scary to have someone right by your house breaking in. You did the right thing by quickly going into the house and calling the police!
Janet W. says
What a scary experience! It was probably a good thing you caught him because otherwise he probably would have continued to rob other houses. I’m so glad he didn’t hurt you.
Melissa says
Wow, that would be so terrifying!
nicky says
Definitely scary. So glad no one was harmed.
Dianna @ Oy Vey a Day says
That would be so scary. I am glad that you and your neighbor are OK.
When I was in college, someone knocked on my door after dark and gave me a speech about a broken down car and needing to use the phone. Thankfully, I was taught about that ploy and suggested that the person head to the gas station that was visible from my front porch. He then attempted to kick in my door. I screamed that I was on the phone with 911, and he eventually left. The cops did absolutely nothing – they never even came to my door after I told them that he had run off. I think that scared me more than the intruder.
Trisha Haas says
This is really scary! And I keep the house alarm on because of this!
Michelle says
How scary!!! This happened during the DAY?? Crazy! Im so glad you are ok, but I wish he had been caught!
Jennifer says
Glad you’re safe! I don’t have close neighbors like that but I’d be so scared if that happened. Home invasions are growing and it’s a real fear nowadays.
nenasinclair says
That must have been so scary! I hope they catch the guy and that your sense of security in your home and neighborhood returns!
Valerie Gray (@valmg) says
That is awful! Thank goodness you’re safe and he didn’t try to hurt you! I hope they do catch him.
Lisa Johnston says
Oh wow! I can’t even imagine. I can’t believe that he told you that you scared him! Be safe!!! I’m glad everything is ok!
musthavemom says
Oh my gosh how scary! I would have been freaked out! Definitely sounds like an amateur to tell you that you startled him!
Tiffany says
No. I could never. I would just DIE!! I stay inside and call the cops and let them handle it!!
Tiff @ Babes and Kids says
I would have been shaken up too. My neighbor caught someone robbing him just 2 weeks ago at like 2 am. It makes me paranoid that it was right next door but they caught him.
Maria says
That is so scary!! Thankfully everything worked out well and that you are safe!
Cat Davis says
I’m glad you came out of that situation okay.
Digna Dreibelbis says
Yikes, very scary. Glad to hear you are o.k. You just never know what may happen these days.
Michelle says
I’m so glad you’re okay! I would have been quite shaken up as well – I’m not sure I would have been brave enough to go outside!
sweettmakes3 says
Wow! So glad you are ok!
Bob says
Cell Phone & .38 / Nuff said
Chelsea @ Gal on a Mission says
That is so scary! I am so glad to hear that you are okay!!
Beth says
I am so glad you are OK. But it is so true to notice what is wrong.
Did it end up taking stuff from your neighbor or did he not get anything before he ran away?
Jennifer H says
They couldn’t find anything missing. It may take some time before they find something possibly they don’t look for/use everyday. So that’s good, but I worry he’ll come back and try again. 🙁
Tiffany Schmidt says
Crazy. So happy your neighbor’s dog does act out of character for something like that. Glad you just peeked and didn’t walk over there. What a good neighbor you are to even check!
Faithful_Mommie (@Faithful_Mommie) says
WOW! You are awesome! I would love a neighbor like you! :))
Jennifer H says
aw thank you
chelle2013 says
So crazy! Sadly we’ve had our fair share of robberies from cars, to belongings in the cars to our garage being ransacked. It’s crazy how people devalue other people’s stuff. Glad he was more startled by you then wanting to cause harm.
Jennifer H says
Me too Chelle! Me too!
laurajacobson says
Oh that is so scary! So glad he ran away and everyone is okay. Oh cant imagine. 🙁
Cynthia R says
That’s a crazy scary story, what kind of timing was that, I’m sure you saved your neighbor a lot of trouble. I used to work at a bank where I was robbed at gunpoint, another time we saw a suspcious guy working around so we kept on eye on him, the next time he came around he had pulled down a mask and someone near the door locked it in the nick of time.
Jennifer H says
I used to work for a credit union and my neighbor teller was robbed. Very scary.
Lynsey Jones says
How scary – so glad you guys are ok. We have a wake-the-dead alarm system that I set every time we leave, but also when I am home alone – more for peace of mind than anything. Its also monitored – so as soon as it goes off, the police are called. Just KNOWING that it is there makes me feel so much safer.
Jennifer H says
That sounds good right about now!
DonnaChaffins (@DonnaChaffins) says
I am so glad you’re safe! I had something similar happen to me years ago, and I remember after it was over how shaken I was and how mad I was. I was angry that someone was trying to break into my home to steal things we had worked hard for. LOL!
Jenny Taylor says
Damn you’re brave. I’da pee’d myself. Too bad they didn’t get him 🙁
Jennifer H says
lol I’m surprised I didn’t!
joanna garcia says
OMG you are so brave for checking and following your instincts! you did the right thing and thank goodness he was not armed and most likely an amateur!
Kim Vij (@EducatorsSpin) says
I’m so glad you’re safe and hope that he wasn’t able to do too much damage at your neighbors home. Hopefully that they find him quickly. As stay at home moms we forget sometimes how vulnerable we too can be while our neighbors are all at work.
Jennifer H says
Thank you Kim.
jrfrugalmom says
Wow, Jennifer that must have been terrifying. I am so happy to hear that you are safe, and I hope that writing (and talking) about the horrible experience will help you get over the trauma. Stay safe!
Jennifer H says
I hope so too. Thank you for your kind words.