Coming off an Oscar®-winning short “Paperman” – Patrick Osborne hits another one out of the park directing the animated short “Feast.” The romantic comedy features an adorable pup named Winston who loves food, and not just any food….people food. Once his master, James, begins dating a health conscious woman, Winston begins finding vegetables in his food bowl instead of pizza and meatballs. As you can imagine, he becomes quite the sad pup.
After the couple encounters a set back, they break things off and Winston and James return to their junk food diet, making Winston elated. I won’t go in much more detail because I don’t want to give away the whole story, but the short is simply adorable! You can’t help but fall in love with Winston.
We had the opportunity to sit it on Patrick’s presentation of “Feast” and learn a bit more about the process:
Patrick shared that his inspiration came from his own short video clips he captured of dinners throughout 2012. He thought it would be cool to show a couples life story through dinners only. “A single person’s dinner looks different than when you’re on a first date and trying really hard, or when you’ve been dumped,” Patrick says. The thought of adding Winston, the Boston Terrier came later in the process. Patrick also shares “that he loves making shorts because a year later you’re showing it, unlike other bigger projects.”
You can see “Feast” in the bonus features of Big Hero 6 – out on Blu-Ray 2/24! Pre-order your copy
today! Plus check out our Q&A with Big Hero 6 Directors too!
I was invited as media to cover this press event. All opinions are mine alone.
June S. says
(Big Hero 6 Bonus Content – Feast Animated Short) I will have to check this short out when we watch our DVD of Big Hero 6-
Sara P. (@SensiblySara) says
Feast was an ADORABLE short!! Patrick did a great job of directing it!